Connected North Program Model
Connected North provides four offerings to participating schools. Learn more about each below:

Virtual Experts & Field Trips
Live interactive video sessions connecting students, experts, content partners and educational venues such as art galleries and museums to enhance curriculum and add exciting new resources to the classroom. Examples include live science experiments, Q&A about life in space with an astronaut, a tour of a Roman art gallery and a session on the latest hair-styling trends.
TakingITGlobal works alongside content providers to support the development of relevant session concepts, ensuring experiences are customized to meet curriculum needs and student interests.

Virtual Career Fair
Live career fairs and virtual mentoring give students the opportunity to meet professionals in various industries and occupations and explore possible career opportunities. Students have been able to meet and interview artists, authors, medical professionals, lawyers, architects, and video game designers as they learn about a myriad of other career opportunities and paths.

Cultural Exchange
The program provides the opportunity for classrooms to connect between schools in the Connected North program through collaborative project-based learning and cultural exchange. We also have a focus on offering learning experiences led by a network of more than 100 First Nations, Inuit and Métis role models who often live or grew up in the communities we serve.

Teacher Capacity Building
Use of collaborative technology for teacher professional learning and mentorship. Professional development experts and peer mentors can instruct and interact with teachers in remote locations, providing them access to expertise that might otherwise have been very difficult to acquire.
Past sessions have featured keynotes by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, and offered by organizations including Learn Difference, Frontier College, Red Cross, Let's Talk Science and JUMP Math among others.