Painting of a seal oil lamp

Hope for the Future

"The qulliq is a seal oil lamp used to heat and cook with. The light represents hope for the future." -Visual Story by Alexander Angnaluak

Well-Being Framework by TakingITGlobal


  • High unemployment rates in small communities
  • Most decision-making positions filled by people from outside the community
  • Limited post-secondary education options available in the community
  • Inability for people to do what they love and get paid for it
  • Consistently seeing the negative


  • Being able to bridge gaps of understanding and knowledge (i.e. distance, ways of living)
  • Connection to people from the community who have accessed opportunities and can set an example of what is possible
  • Access to Indigenous role models who are either employed or entrepreneurs
  • Experiences that build self-confidence

Examples of Connected North Sessions

  • Sessions with Indigenous role models who are pursuing their dreams, living life with a sense of purpose, feeling connected to the land and their community
  • Sessions with role models who can give real-life examples of overcoming struggles for youth who do not believe in themselves along with post-secondary students and/or professionals who are following a path of interest

What does the research tell us?

"Kids have nothing to believe in, there are no jobs, no opportunities, so why bother going to school; it's a waste of time. Adults drink and do drugs and there is no one here for us. You give up after a while." (Feathers of Hope: A First Nations Youth Action Plan (Provincial Advocate for Children & Youth) Ontario; 2014)

Promising Practices for HOPE

In prevention and healing, we look at increasing individual, family and community supports (protective factors) to reduce the risk of suicide. The more individuals and communities learn about these factors, the better able they will be to develop and start a suicide prevention and healing plan. Promising practices for suicide PIP can also occur at the individual, situational, socio-economic and cultural levels, although there is significant cross-over between these categories. Promising practices for suicide prevention may include.


  • Building personal skills to learn about ways to promote positive mental, emotional and spiritual health; for example health literacy, nutrition, physical activity, healthy coping skills, positive relationship and parenting skills, budgeting and financial management training, among others
  • Utilizing cultural practices and teachings as a source of healthy ways of coping and building on strengths
  • Learning how to recognize the signs of mental distress or suicidal behaviour

What can we do?


Deliver programming featuring successful Indigenous role models who can inspire youth.


Deliver programming that highlights opportunities for youth.


Deliver programming that orients students to high schools and PSE Institutions they will attend outside of their community.


Develop programming that helps students plot their life goals and design a path to success.


Deliver programming that enhances the work skills of students to improve their chances of finding work (resume building, practice interviews, public speaking, group work, etc.)


Develop programming that has students identify, investigate and act on issues in and around their community.


Assist students with navigating the workforce in their community and making connections early with potential employers.

Explore the Well-Being Framework Elements

Culture, Language & Identity

Relationships with Peers / Students

Arts & Recreation

Hope for the Future

Food & Nutrition

Relationships with Staff & 'Authority'

Parent & Family Involvement


The conceptual framework, insights and content reflected here has been developed collaboratively by members of the Connected North team at TakingITGlobal inspired by the communities we partner with.

Special thanks to Alexander Angnaluak, Doronn Fox, Nyle Johnston, Nigit'stil Norbert, Dallas Pelly, Waukomaun Pawis, Magdalena Kelly, Chris McLeod, Jason Jones, Mitch Holmes, Shelton Nipisar, Kim Dymond, Andrea Breen, Michael Furdyk, Edgar Gonzalez, Peyton Straker, and Jennifer Corriero.

We gratefully acknowledge youth, educators, elders and leaders from Connected North partner communities who have graciously shared their experiences, hopes, challenges and feedback with our team. In particular, we appreciate active inputs towards this framework from the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and Ontario.

We would also like to thank Vani Jain and the team at the McConnell Family Foundation for their support as thought partners.

© 2022 TakingITGlobal and Alexander Angnaluak. All rights reserved. Contact for inquiries.